Upload own cover picture

When you create an event, you can add a cover picture to the event. There are three options:
  1. Choose no cover picture. Your event will then have the blue standard Cally cover photo:
  2. Choose a suggested cover picture from our photo library. For each different category (that you choose at the start of creating your event, namely Food, Business, Activity, Together, Remote, Party or Other) there is a separate photo library. Is there no picture you want in the category you chose? Choose another category to take a look at the other photo libraries (your entries will be saved).
  3. Upload your own cover picture! In the cover picture step, click on the first blue tile that says 'Upload Picture'. You can upload a JPG or PNG file of up to 15 MB. Then you can crop the picture as you like.

How to edit the cover picture of an event you already created

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