Create a business event is ideal for scheduling your business event! Create a business event quickly and easily in just a few minutes for e.g.:

  • Business meetings
  • Business trainings
  • (Online) company events
  • (Job) interviews
  • Progress- and performance reviews
  • Business lunches or dinners

Why should I schedule my business event via

  • It's free
  • No need to sign up
  • Creating an event only takes a few minutes
  • No email addresses from participants needed

Create business event

How do I create a business event? (not signed in)

  1. Go to
  2. Click 'Create event' in the top right corner and select the category 'Business'
  3. Type in a title and possibly a description to give more details about your business event
  4. Suggest several dates (and possibly times) for which participants can specify their availability. You can also add or suggest a location
  5. Fill in your name and email address so we can send you a link to manage your business event
    Tip: create an account and get a clear overview of all your events
  6. Invite participants by email or by copying the link to WhatsApp or other platforms

How do I create a business event? (signed in)

  1. Go to your event overview
  2. Type in the title of your business event in the designated bar on your event overview
  3. If you wish, add a description to give more details about your business event
  4. Suggest several dates (and possibly times) for which participants can specify their availability. You can also add or suggest a location
  5. Invite participants by email or by copying the link to WhatsApp or other platforms

Create business event

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